£28 Per Month (Paid Termly)
+ £35.99 Booking Fee
If your child prefers to learn together with another like-minded child with the same tutor, try our Group Lessons.
Payment Terms:
Invoices are generated on the 25th of ever month, to be paid by the 1st.
Payments should be made via Bank Transfer using our Bank Details:
Account Number: 23570363
Sort Code: 20-34-69
If you pay using Childcare Vouchers, please make payment at least 3 days before the due date.
Please Note: Invoices need to be paid by the due date, otherwise there will be a late fee of £12.00 applied to your account.
However, if the fees are not paid by the due date, we use a secure system called “Stripe” which will charge the card we have on file for you automatically. Please note that Stripe will charge a convenience fee of 2.84% to process the transaction
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on 01375 800 979 to speak to Accounts.
Package Features
Termly package with single payment upfront (£84/12 weeks)
Learning the parts and notes of an instrument
Learn how to construct simple songs or chords
Learning technical exercises
Apply techniques to songs
Cognitive development
Learn and play songs from different genres